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The following was inspired by Rudolf Kaehr's "Towards Diamonds" as well as Zen-sayings (and possibly Heinz von Foerster).

One picture (pic_1)

Another picture (pic_2)

pixelwise: pic_1 - pic_2

pixelwise: average of pic_1 and pic_2

pixelwise: (average of pic_1 and pic_2) - pic_1

pixelwise: (average of pic_1 and pic_2) - pic_2

pixelwise: sum of ((average of pic_1 and pic_2) - pic_1) and ((average of pic_1 and pic_2) - pic_2)

To clarify the subtraction-operation: the subtraction of pixels is defined as follows:

diff_pixel x1 x2 := if x2 > x1 then 0 else x1 - x2

Mail: oliver _at_ first.in-berlin.de
Erst-Dokument: Do 13. Dez 23:11:57 CET 2007
letzte Aenderung: Do 13. Dez 23:33:01 CET 2007