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any-dl --- a tool for download any mediafiles


The program is intended to download mediafiles from any mediathek. It's name is derived from tools like youtube-dl (downloads videos from youtube), arte-dl (downloads videos from ARTE-TV mediathek, zdf-dl (downloads videos from ZDF mediathek), dctp-dl and some other tools. Because this tool is intended to be general / generic, it got his name: intended to allow downloads from ANY mediathek.

...if you want to be very close to the current / up_to-date release, you can follow me on github. you can look at github here for any-dl.

Just found (2015-02-04): German article about any-dl, from March 2013 (!): Aktuelle Software im Kurztest Didn't knew about this article for about two years...
last change: Thu Mar 19 15:06:40 CET 2015